I live on Okinawa Island, where the Diamond Princess first came to shore, in January I think.
The decision of Japanese authorities to quarantine the ship off shore was the best course of action. We now know that the virus is most dangerous to people who are very old or have underlying conditions.
Okinawa’s population consists for a big part of people who are in their 80’s, with a lot of people even living past hundred. It’s like one giant retirement home.
Since January, we had only 3 reported cases of corona virus here on Okinawa, all of which have recovered since. A week ago, 2 new cases surfaced.
Had the Japanese government decided to evacuate the ship, I’m certain the virus would have been able to get a foothold on the Island, which would have made things much worse for all the old people here.
Reading things like “human rights violation” in this context honestly hurts. Authorities were confronted with an unknown disease. It was not their fault that a ship full of infected people came to shore. And while it is important to help others — as any police officer, firefighter or EMT-worker will likely agree to — ensuring your own safety comes first. You won’t help anyone if you throw your own life away in the process.
I think the situation was handled in the best way possible, given the limited information at the time.