This. A hundred times this. There is no excuse. There never will be. If you cheat, you’re a cheater. It’s not your partner’s fault. It wouldn’t be their fault if you told a judge they made you kill them. And it’s not their fault if you tell anyone they made you cheat.
Also, little fun fact I read somewhere: I’m not sure how much truth is in it, but I heard that people who suspect their partner of being unfaithful are more likely to be unfaithful themselves. They are merely projecting their own behavior onto their partner.
Oh, and lastly. Do you know that statistically speaking, you’re one of the most prolific writers at Illumination? Sorting our publication’s articles either by views or reads, yours are on top. That’s incredible and I admire you and your work. If I could write on a similar level as you, be sure I would!